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Global Privacy Control, a new privacy standard now on Brave’s desktop version

Photo of: Dennis Ramos
by Dennis Ramos

Brave, one of the leading crypto-powered web browsers has made an official announcement about its involvement in a new standard for privacy called Global Privacy Control. Let us understand this in detail.

Brave came into operation with a major goal and that was to improve privacy on the Web. This it does by constructing robust, on-by-default privacy protections in its browser. But it just does not do that, it also works to improve privacy on the web in general mainly by pushing for privacy in the W3C. 

Its involvement in the design for the Global Privacy Control (GPC) is an extension of its privacy-in-web-standards work. The GPC proposal allows the web users to signal online that they do not wish to be tracked. It also asserts wherever relevant legal privacy rights as per the description in legislation like EU’s GDPR and California’s CCPA. So, GPC is more like addendum privacy took for web users and browser vendors. To clarify it does not take the place of existing privacy protection that the platform offers. 

The new standard can be accessed through many browsers including its own, Privacy Badger, Abine, Disconnect, and others. Based on the new announcement many websites and companies like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Financial Times, have already come forward to offer their agreement on compliance with the same.

At present Brave is testing an implementation of the GPC proposal in its Nightly desktop and Android beta channels. It is expected to implement it in its iOS browser as the proposal undergoes the standardization process. What is more important is that Brave does not require users to make any changes to start using this feature establishing their privacy rights. Those versions of Brave which have GPC implemented, the feature will be on by default and will be unconfigurable. 

There is no association whatsoever of Global Privacy Control with Brave’s cryptocurrency or blockchain. It should not be assumed that the new standard will in any way provide a new standard for holding cryptocurrency. But the Brave’s privacy efforts do make room for its own BAT token-based advertising economy. And following this, many news sites have already registered to earn their additional rounds of revenue. 

Brave is completely into responsible and privacy-respecting publishers